Strategic Framework & Programmes

The FFR’s Strategic Framework guides programme and project activities. The FFR runs specific programmes with donors and technical partners that adhere to objectives, activities and outputs in certain geographies.

FFR Strategic Framework

The current FFR Strategic Framework has global geographic coverage and prioritizes a set of strategic objectives, to:

  1. Accelerate the transformation of remittance markets through innovative business models and new digital technologies, leading to greater market efficiency and reduced transaction costs.
  2. Promote financial inclusion through financial education and adapted financial products to provide remittance families with more options to use their money productively.
  3. Support diaspora investment mechanisms, which target rural development, employment and entrepreneurship.
  4. Raise global awareness of the positive contributions that migrant families currently make in remittance sending and receiving countries, and promote new policies and partnerships as challenges and opportunities arise.

The Strategic Framework 2020-2025 adopts a multi-faceted approach based on three models (1) laboratory of innovation, (2) scaling up approach – from pilot to scale and (3) country-corridor approach.

FFR Programmes

  • Ongoing Programmes
  • Closed Programmes