Strategic Framework & Programmes

The FFR’s Strategic Framework guides programme and project activities. The FFR runs specific programmes with donors and technical partners that adhere to objectives, activities and outputs in certain geographies.

FFR Strategic Framework

The current FFR Strategic Framework has global geographic coverage and prioritizes a set of strategic objectives, to:

  1. Accelerate the transformation of remittance markets through innovative business models and new digital technologies, leading to greater market efficiency and reduced transaction costs.
  2. Promote financial inclusion through financial education and adapted financial products to provide remittance families with more options to use their money productively.
  3. Support diaspora investment mechanisms, which target rural development, employment and entrepreneurship.
  4. Raise global awareness of the positive contributions that migrant families currently make in remittance sending and receiving countries, and promote new policies and partnerships as challenges and opportunities arise.

The Strategic Framework 2020-2025 adopts a multi-faceted approach based on three models (1) laboratory of innovation, (2) scaling up approach – from pilot to scale and (3) country-corridor approach.

FFR Programmes

REMIT PRIME Central Asia (2024-2027)

  • Amount: EUR 6 million
  • Where: Central Asia, with particular focus on Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
  • Partners: Central banks and relevant ministries, commercial banks, remittance service providers (MTOs, MNOs, Fintech, Aggregators, etc.), diaspora organizations, think tanks specialized in financial inclusion, and others
  • Beneficiaries: Migrants, their families receiving remittances in Central Asia, returnees, and their communities of origin
  • Goals: Enhance the enabling environment for affordable digital remittance markets – Increase access to formal remittances and expand digital financial inclusion – Promote sustainable financial and economic integration of remittance families and reintegration of returnees

PRIME Africa (2019-2024)

  • Amount: EUR 15.1 million
  • Where: The programme focuses on the African remittance market and its intra-African and European corridors, promoting specific activities in 7 selected countries (Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, The Gambia, and Uganda).
  • Partners: Public, private and civil society entities, such as regulators, financial service providers (MNOs, MFIs, MTOs, postal networks, fintechs) and diaspora groups among others
  • Beneficiaries: African migrants, their families back home and communities of origin
  • Goals: Reduced remittance transfer costs from Europe to and within Africa – Enhanced financial inclusion through remittance-linked financial services

MIGRRA (2014-2021)

  • Amount: € 6.9 million
  • Where: Global
  • Partners: Public, private and civil society entities, such as regulators, financial service providers (MNOs, MFIs, MTOs, postal networks, fintechs) and diaspora groups, among others
  • Beneficiaries: Migrants and their families back home, especially in rural areas
  • Goals: Reduce costs and transfer time - Financial inclusion and formal remittances - Research - Enabling environment - Institutional capacity

African Postal Financial Services Initiative (APFSI)

  • Amount: US$7 million
  • Where: Benin, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
  • Partners: The African Postal Financial Services initiative is a joint regional programme launched by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Commission in collaboration with the World Bank, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the World Savings Banks Institute/European Savings Banks Group (WSBI/ESBG) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).
  • Beneficiaries: Post Office users
  • Goals: - Reduce the cost of remittances to and within Africa - Reduce transaction times - Broaden the network of rural locations - Deepen the range of financial services.

Diaspora investment in sustainable entrepreneurship for rural youth in Mali (2019-2024)

  • Amount: EUR 1 million
  • Where: The programme is focused in areas where there is high migration within Mali, and the corresponding corridors in France, Spain and Italy
  • Partners: Public and private entities, civil society organizations and diaspora organizations
  • Beneficiaries: Young rural Malian entrepreneurs, the Malian diaspora based in Europe who wish to contribute to the development of their country
  • Goals: The Malian diaspora, with 4 million members worldwide (250,000 in Europe, primarily in France), is a key pillar of Mali's development. The Diaspora Investment in Sustainable Rural Youth Entrepreneurship in Mali programme offers tailored investment solutions to support their contribution to the country's progress.