Making the distribution of international remittances through rural agents and mobile wallets affordable, cost-effective and sustainable in Senegal.

IFAD is partnering with InTouch and Orange Money under the PRIME Africa initiative to increase the usage of mobile money among rural remittance recipients, and rural merchants through international remittances and good payments in Senegal. The project will match rural areas of Senegal with high migration rates (identified through communication flows from France), with active diaspora organizations in France, committed to boost the usage of mobile remittances and digital payments.
  • Financed: €324,428
  • Co-Financed: €308,014
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Duration: 2022 ~ 2025

Project Category Remittances & Digitalisation
Target Groups:
  • Senegal: Rural areas of high migration in 124 localities, and its remittance corridor with France. Remittance senders and receivers.
FFR Strategic Framework
PRIME Africa

Project Goals

To strengthen the resilience of rural populations by improving access to affordable money transfer methods for the Senegalese diaspora in France.

Implementing Partners

InTouch is a Pan-African fintech specialized in digital payment solutions, aggregation of digital services, and network distribution management with its one-stop-shop platform that offers remittances and payment services. InTouch operates in 11 countries with a network of 50,000 agents. In Senegal, InTouch aggregates and distributes a wide range of digital payment and remittance services through more than 15,000 agents. Project partner: Orange Money, one of the leading African mobile money operators, will support the expansion of mobile wallet-enabled remittances in rural areas of Senegal.

Geographic Target



  • In 2023, InTouch opened 97,800 new mobile wallets (98% of the project end target) in Senegal, leading to an estimated 2,200 new recipients receiving international remittances into wallets (24% of the target) from Orange Money Europe (OME).
  • At the sending side (France), 3,172 new senders to Senegal (from OME). It is estimated that among these migrants, 25% are sending towards the targeted 124 rural localities (which constitutes 13% of the end target).
  • In terms of agent activation in rural areas, the project already achieved its target to enrol 534 new agents equipped with MyTouch Point (MTP) platform which enables Orange Money users to cash out international remittances in previously underserved areas and access other payment services offered by the platform (such as bill payments, airtime top-up, mobile money cash-in/cash-out, insurance products, etc…).
  • The pay-for-good payment service became operational in 2023, and a first set of 97 merchants are already onboarded on the MTP platform.