Closing the data gap towards an efficient remittance market in Africa

The project, implemented by DMAG under the PRIME Africa Program, produced remittance market diagnostics in nine African countries, and developed seven Roadmaps for remittance market improvement. DMAG created a comprehensive database, consolidating 160+ indicators on remittance and remittance-related data across all 54 African countries. Data is available on the interactive, free-to-use platform. Please visit 

  • Financed: EUR 500,000
  • Co-Financed:
Duration: 2022 ~ 2024

Project Category Financial Inclusion
Remittances & Digitalisation
Research & Data
Target Groups:
  • The direct target group includes public institutions (i.e. governments, regulators, donors), and private organizations engaged in the remittance marketplace in Africa, and civil society.
  • Indirectly, the project benefited migrant remittance-receiving households in Africa and the diaspora in sending countries within and outside of Africa, particularly in Europe
FFR Strategic Framework
PRIME Africa

Project Goals

To maximize the impact of remittances and their linkage to financial inclusion by strengthening the remittance and financial services market in Africa. Towards this goal the project will promote comprehensive and quality remittance-related market intelligence and related methodologies, allowing public and private market incumbents to make informed decisions in order to foster access to low-cost remittances and linked inclusive financial services.

Implementing Partners

ADL and Visualitics CEMLA

Geographic Target



  • RemitSCOPE desgined and built consolidating public and primary data on remittance markets in Africa - please see the website at
  • Country Diagnostics and Roadmaps completed for Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Uganda, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa.

Project Repository