The project objective is to address systematic data gaps in LAC remittance markets through collection, analysis and dissemination of market information flows and trends in the region. The LAC section of the web-portal RemitSCOPE 2.0 is expected to be publicly available in August 2024, and will complement the Africa section of the portal.

The project, implemented by DMAG, supported the PRIME Africa Program by providing remittance and analysis for nine African countries, and developing seven roadmaps for remittance market improvement. DMAG created a comprehensive database, consolidating 160+ indicators across all 54 African nations, that are now publicly avilable through the RemitSCOPE website.

IFAD is partnering with FSD Kenya under the PRIME Africa initiative to provide evidence of the current and potential role played by SACCOs in the remittance value chain. The expected result will Improve informed public policies and private sector strategies for enhancing the role of savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) in delivering remittances to the Kenyan rural population. These actors may involve traditional players such as banks and SACCOs and ground-breaking ones like fintechs.