IFAD is partnering with APS under the PRIME Africa initiative to accelerate the uptake of digital remittance services among remittance recipients, and to remittance-linked microfinance services. The project focusses on rural recipients by increasing last mile agents’ interventions.
Status: Ongoing
IFAD is partnering with Fidelity Bank Ghana under the PRIME Africa Programme initiative to enable remittance recipients in high-migration rural areas to increase their share of remittances saved in formal bank accounts. By targeting un(der)banked remittance recipients, Fidelity Bank is enabling termination of remittances directly into a savings account. Fidelity is partnering with Viamo to introduce financial education to remittance-receivers through IVR.
IFAD is partnering with FADEV through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) Mali programme to implement a new venture capital investment solution for the Malian diaspora in France called YiriMali. This investment fund will provide diaspora members a formal and profitable investment vehicle to invest in SMEs in the agri-food sector in the Malian regions of Kayes and Koulikoro.
IFAD is partnering with Mama Money under the PRIME Africa initiative to maximize the impact of remittances sent by low-income migrants in South Africa to their remittance receiving families in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The project responds to the growing need of migrant workers in South Africa to maximize their net income, and that of their families back home, by receiving money sent at an affordable price. Mama Money’s RemittancePlus account offered to low-income migrants will be expanded to current informal and cash-only senders, providing a low-cost digital remittance product.
The project objective is to address systematic data gaps in LAC remittance markets through the collection, analysis and dissemination of market information flows and trends in the region. The LAC section of the web portal RemitSCOPE 2.0 is publicly available now, complementing the Africa section of the portal.
IFAD is partnering with Stanbic Bank Uganda (SBU) under the PRIME Africa initiative to promote affordable digital remittances in rural Uganda. In 2021, SBU launched a new e-wallet named FlexiPay, with a simplified onboarding process that facilitates un(der)banked clients. Leveraging on this new product, the IFAD project will enable the integration of cross-border remittances into the e-wallet at a cost that is below the market average for the Kenya-to-Uganda and Sweden-to-Uganda remittance corridors. In order to drive the adoption of the e-wallet for rural remittance recipients, the project will advance SBU’s existing strategy with savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) in rural areas, and train their staff in digital and financial literacy through Stanbic Bank Incubator, which will in turn train SACCO customers.
IFAD is partnering BankserveAfrica under the PRIME Africa initiative to promote competition among a diversity of RSPs through a regional and interoperable platform, TCIB, that promotes more affordable low-value cross-border payments in the SADC region. TCIB will improve the cross-border payment process, standardize compliance requirements, remove the need for complex bilateral cross-border arrangements, and create more competition in the formal financial system.
Piloting the launch of innovative financial solutions aimed at enhancing the access and usage of remittance services by Ghanaians in Germany and the Netherlands, and their families back home. The project focusses in adapting its recently-launched app for international remittance offering affordable prices, pioneering Ecobank’s first ever digital financial literacy initiative to strengthen users’ ability to manage remittances and other financial resources and link a gender-sensitive micro-savings product to the existing remittance offering.
IFAD partnered with Qmoney under the PRIME Africa initiative to expand access to The Gambia’s first ever mobile wallet for internatonal remittances among low-income rural remittance families.
The project, implemented by DMAG under the PRIME Africa Program, produced remittance market diagnostics in nine African countries, and developed seven Roadmaps for remittance market improvement. DMAG created a comprehensive database, consolidating 160+ indicators on remittance and remittance-related data across all 54 African countries. Data is available on the interactive, free-to-use RemitSCOPE.org platform. Please visit www.remitscope.org.