Kyrgyz Republic kick off event highlights

On March 6-7 the Prime Central Asia Programme was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The kick-off event was the occasion for FFR to present an overview of the national remittance market and the financial inclusion landscape,
and to actively engage with all relevant stakeholders. Several government entities (Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Agriculture, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic), and the high interest of the private sector and of International Organizations involved in remittances activities in the country, such as (IOM, WFP, World Bank, and IFC) attended the event.

A Call for Proposals was also launched with the aim to identify innovative cost-effective and replicable/scalable solutions models that promote more digital usage of remittances, particularly in rural areas, to ultimately improve income-generating opportunities for remittance-receiving families and migrant returnees.

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