Programme: EUTF Mali Location: Mali

Authors: IFAD, Ciwara Capital, I&P

Themes: Diaspora Investments, Rural SMEs

The White Paper is the result of the “Mobilizing Diaspora Resources into an Impact Investment Fund in Mali” four-year pilot project (2020-2024), which was funded by a EUR 230,000 grant from IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) and implemented by the impact investors, Investisseurs et Partenaires. 

The White Paper presents a comprehensive overview of the lessons learned and best practices gained through the project; among its main achievements, the project established Ciwara Capital, an autonomous, diaspora-led investment company that raised over EUR 200,000 and successfully invested in Mali in the agri-food and education sectors. Additionally, it developed an innovative investment solution tailored to engage diaspora investors, built the financial capacity of diaspora members, and strengthened partnerships with local entities to ensure sustainable impact. Through these efforts, the project not only broadened the impact of diaspora investment across sectors and regions but also fostered stronger ties between the Malian diaspora and their country of origin.

Programmes: FFR Location: Mexico

This document is part of a series of diagnostics covering selected countries in Latin America and Africa. In Mexico, remittances are a cornerstone of economic and social development, reaching a record US$ 61 billion in 2022. Rural and semiurban communities receive a substantial share of remittances, where their impact is most significant due to the economic characteristics of these areas. The diagnostic also explores how remittances intersect with migration trends and highlights the limited integration of digital financial services, which presents opportunities for improving financial inclusion among recipients.

The Mexico Country Diagnostic is a living document that will be updated to incorporate feedback from key stakeholders in Mexico’s remittance ecosystem. It is available only in Spanish and can be downloaded from the RemitSCOPE LAC web portal. This series is developed with the technical support of the Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA) and includes contributions from regional central banks and other key partners.

Este documento forma parte de una serie de diagnósticos que abarcan países seleccionados de América Latina y África. En México, las remesas son un pilar fundamental del desarrollo económico y social, alcanzando un récord de 61 mil millones de US$ en 2022. Las comunidades rurales y semiurbanas reciben una parte sustancial de las remesas, donde su impacto es más significativo debido a las características económicas de estas zonas. El diagnóstico también explora cómo las remesas se intersectan con las tendencias migratorias y destaca la limitada integración de los servicios financieros digitales, lo que presenta oportunidades para mejorar la inclusión financiera entre los beneficiarios.

El Diagnóstico de País de México es un documento dinámico que se actualizará para incorporar comentarios de los principales actores del ecosistema de remesas en México. Está disponible únicamente en español y se puede descargar desde el portal web de RemitSCOPE LAC. Esta serie se desarrolla con el apoyo técnico del Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA) e incluye contribuciones de bancos centrales regionales y otros socios clave.

This research is part of a series of diagnostics covering selected countries in Latin America and Africa, this research offers an in-depth analysis of Guatemala’s remittance market, where remittances account for nearly 20% of GDP and play a vital role in supporting rural communities, which receive over half of the total flows. The diagnostic further explores the connections between remittances, migration trends, and financial inclusion in the country.

The Guatemala Country Diagnostic is a living document that will be updated to reflect feedback from key strategic stakeholders in Guatemala’s remittance ecosystem. Currently, it is available only in Spanish and can be downloaded from the RemitSCOPE LAC web portal. Developed with the technical support of the Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA), this series also benefits from contributions by regional central banks and other key stakeholders.

Esta investigación forma parte de una serie de diagnósticos que cubren países seleccionados de América Latina y África, esta investigación ofrece un análisis en profundidad del mercado de remesas de Guatemala, donde las remesas representan casi el 20% del PIB y desempeñan un papel vital en el apoyo a las comunidades rurales, que reciben más de la mitad de los flujos totales. El diagnóstico explora además las conexiones entre las remesas, las tendencias migratorias y la inclusión financiera en el país.

El Diagnóstico de País de Guatemala es un documento vivo que se actualizará para reflejar los comentarios de los principales actores estratégicos del ecosistema de remesas de Guatemala. Actualmente, sólo está disponible en español y se puede descargar desde el portal web RemitSCOPE LAC. Desarrollado con el apoyo técnico del Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA), esta serie también se beneficia de las contribuciones de los bancos centrales regionales y otros actores clave.

This report is produced by the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in the framework of the IFAD–United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) partnership on Sustainability, Stability and Security in Africa (3S Initiative).

The report delves into the critical intersection of remittances, diaspora investments, and climate adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa, to offer comprehensive insights. The report analyzes the effects of migration and remittances on countries and households of origin, especially in the agricultural sector, and examines initiatives aimed at enhancing the impact of diaspora finance on sustainable development and climate resilience.

Download the full report here:

English Version

French Version

This report was produced by IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) and Red Mangrove in the framework of the IFAD–UNCCD partnership on Sustainability, Stability and Security in Africa (3S Initiative).

The aim of this study is to document how remittances and diaspora investment can be used as a mean to adapt to climate change in Mali. It is based on a quantitative survey of 400 rural households as well as on qualitative interviews with the returning diaspora and financial services operators, conducted in the regions of Kayes and Sikasso in November 2023.

Download the full report here:

English Version

French Version

The role of SACCOs as international remittance providers in Kenya’ report sheds light on whether Kenyan SACCOs can play a larger role by offering remittance services directly.

Remittances are a crucial part of Kenya’s economy, surpassing traditional foreign exchange. Globally, and particularly in East Africa, SACCOs (Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisations) play a vital role in providing financial services. The research surveyed 140 SACCOs in Kenya, revealing that nearly a quarter currently offer remittance services, and of these, one-third are developing products tailored for the diaspora. SACCOs have expressed interest in offering remittance services, presenting a key opportunity to provide regulatory, strategic, and operational support for broader reach and more favorable business models.

The report, produced by IFAD with contributions by the World Bank under the request of the GPFI, seeks to provide a compendium of best practices, showcasing the benefits of digital solutions in enhancing financial inclusion and reducing remittance costs. This collection of knowledge is intended to inform G20 member states, policymakers, and stakeholders about successful strategies in digital remittance adoption, serving as a valuable resource for guiding future endeavours in leveraging digitalization for remittance efficiency and accessibility.

This report contains a series of key findings and actionable outcomes for both remittances and diaspora-impact investments and is shared with the President of the UN General Assembly 

A key finding of these diagnostics was that know-your-customer (KYC) and customer due diligence (CDD) procedures are key impediments in enabling remittance access by low-income and rural households.

This study is aimed at providing food for thought for operators wishing to tailor their financial tools to the needs and expectations of the diaspora while stimulating the interest of public actors in the Malian diaspora in the receiving countries and Mali.