Programme: EUTF Mali Location: Mali

Authors: IFAD, Ciwara Capital, I&P

Themes: Diaspora Investments, Rural SMEs

The White Paper is the result of the “Mobilizing Diaspora Resources into an Impact Investment Fund in Mali” four-year pilot project (2020-2024), which was funded by a EUR 230,000 grant from IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) and implemented by the impact investors, Investisseurs et Partenaires. 

The White Paper presents a comprehensive overview of the lessons learned and best practices gained through the project; among its main achievements, the project established Ciwara Capital, an autonomous, diaspora-led investment company that raised over EUR 200,000 and successfully invested in Mali in the agri-food and education sectors. Additionally, it developed an innovative investment solution tailored to engage diaspora investors, built the financial capacity of diaspora members, and strengthened partnerships with local entities to ensure sustainable impact. Through these efforts, the project not only broadened the impact of diaspora investment across sectors and regions but also fostered stronger ties between the Malian diaspora and their country of origin.